View Full Version : Nano Biscotte
- nanobiscotte resistor question
- Biscotte design / configuration issues
- Nano Biscotte... trouble
- Nano Biscotte Help
- Nano Biscotte with MWS?
- Nano Biscotte stopped won't read SD card
- NB Harness
- accent led on nano biscotte
- Illuminated AV for a NB
- NB Format Sd Card Fails again and again?
- Nano Biscotte Fries Another SD Card
- How to wire a Nano Biscotte
- Staff sound and power with a Nano Biscotte
- Nanobiscotte issues
- nano biscotte help!
- Wiring in a Nano Biscotte
- More interesting Nano Biscotte issues
- Nano Biscotte issue
- Did my Nano just fry my SD card?
- Your favorite Nano Biscotte settings
- Nano Biscotte resetting
- Nano Biscotte sound or speaker issue possibly.
- NB AV switch
- NB Sound Board Issues
- Wiring a NanoBiscotte
- Fried my NB speaker chip?
- Switch for the NBS?
- where in the hilt to place the NB?
- First saber- NB might be fried
- Nano Biscotte - Config File Parameters
- The New Nano Biscotte
- Problem with Nano Biscotte
- nano biscotte reboot
- Nano Biscotte won't boot, no sound, no LED
- Nano Biscotte screeches then reboots
- Nano Biscotte, Resistors and Me.
- Nano Biscotte help required
- Nano Biscotte don't make sound
- Tri-Rebel & NB
- Fried amp circuit Nano Biscotte
- Fake Nano Biscotte FoC
- Will there be a Nano Biscotte update?
- Nano Biscotte V2 wiring check
- NBV2 Swing sound repeats over and over
- NB 2amp output
- nano biscotti v2 install, resistors
- nano v2 w/ px wiring check
- Problems with SD card
- Another NB V2 wiring check!
- NB issues
- Fully charged, NBv2 boots, ignites, dies.
- Would this be the correct wiring for the nano biscotte v2
- Would this be correct for nano biscotte v2
- Wiring question for NBv2
- Diagram for wiring a NBv2 with a recharge port and accent LED
- About to start my first build - NB wiring check
- NB weird issue
- nbv2 crackly sounds during shimmer.
- Nano biscotte v1 and a 3.6v power cell
- Nano Biscotte Accent LED very dim, not off during deep sleep
- I want to install a NB v2 in an Ultrasabers Overlord
- Using the Nano Biscotte and need help figuring some things out.
- NB Video Tutorial
- NB V2 SD card had no config.txt?!?
- NB V2 Sound Not Working
- NB V2 Sound Module Question
- Nano Biscotte crackling sounds
- stunt to sound upgrade, wiring check?
- Nano Biscotte v2 wiring woes
- Nano V1 curious
- NB Restock?
- I think my sound card died.
- Parts Check
- How should I Secure NB in Hilt
- sound works....but
- Wiring check for NB 2.0
- Nano Biscottev2 - no sound, weird LED behavior
- Flash LED staying on...
- Potential Faulty Power Extender
- Nano Biscotte V2 Wiring+Sound Problems
- AV with accent query
- Modular wiring system Nano Biscotte
- FoC Fail w/ Diagram
- NBv2 power indicator dims?!
- Boot sound but no light or sound with newly installed sound font
- Looks like I just fried my NB
- Wiring Harness Question
- NBv2 powers off
- New Battery Question
- NB v2 looping sounds
- FoC turns saber off.
- NB v2 dead?
- how can i see if i shorted my nbv2
- New Saber font looping audio
- a few questions (new to changing saber font)
- Charge indication
- Harness touchiness?
- Multiple sound fonts
- NB v1 no sound
- Nano Biscotte v2 Wiring Help?
- NB issue - power cuts out unexpectedly
- Formatting - why?
- was I seeing things?
- Weird sound glitches with NBv2 and custom sound font.
- NB in a Choke
- Sound Duration
- NB with flash on clash help
- Need help identifying a component and its value on a Nano Biscotte.
- NB component question
- 12w led
- NBV3 Schematic check please
- NVB won't turn off, constantly plays swing sounds if picked up
- Nano biscotte V3 wiring diagram
- NB v3 2 amp limit
- NB V3 with recharge port and AV switch wiring schematic check, please.
- NB sound issues
- Nano Biscotte and Flash on Crash
- NBv3 wiring check please!
- Wire check for a v3 setup please
- Hot FoC Resistor
- Resistor Opinions NBv3 + B/B/W
- NBV3 wiring check and question.
- Another NB 3 Schematic Check
- Wiring harness
- NBv3 wiring diagram for first time build
- NBv3 Problem
- NBv3 Test before hooking up everything
- Wiring check
- NBv3 Bench Test
- Wiring Question: LedEngin & NB
- NBv2 Problem?
- New NBv3 Problem
- NB v3 with 4 AAA's
- NB3 issue, please help me troubleshoot
- NBv3 with accent wire check
- Free Software for NBv3 WAV files?
- Biscotte Behaviour?
- NB v2 Static issue
- Nano biscotte v3 switch problems
- NBV3 problem
- Random Sounds?
- 16Ω Speaker + NBv2 ?
- nano biscotte 3.0 contantly playing swing
- NBv3 "clash" vs "Flash on Clash" settings
- How sweet that sound is! Only you guys know.
- Help with saberfonts on nbv3
- NBv3 and two speakers?
- NBv3 on External Speaker Amp -problem-
- NBv3 w/ 3-pin Quick Connect Wiring Check
- Nano V3 and battery question
- Where do I find documentation?
- NBv3 wiring check
- Custom Boot Help
- NBv3 with Tri-Rebel LED, FoC, accent LED, backlit switch, and recharge port
- Sound fonts on Nano Biscotte V3
- LED and button problem
- NBv3 wiring check
- Boot sound then nothing
- Help With NBV3; FoC keeps spamming
- button tap vs long press
- why is a format necessary?
- Nb3 with rumble motor- hooked up in parallel with foc?
- Wiring check/questions first build
- NBv3 Font Selection
- NBV3 and FOC resistors
- Wiring Check for first build
- can you guys check out my diagram
- Making custom sound fonts, but won't work properly
- light not working need help asap
- First shot at Nano Biscotte, and I need advice!
- FOC Not Working As Expected
- NBv3 Need Resistor?
- I'm having issues with custom sound fonts
- Wiring Diagram
- NB v3 Sound Board is it fired, are the speakers fired, or am i soldering it wrong?
- V2 upgrade wiring diagram
- Nano biscotti v3
- Font loading for nano biscottie
- Nano Biscotte Wiring Impass
- Chassis for MWS Nano Biscotte
- NBV3 difficulties firing up...
- NBv3 5mm led
- what do the preloaded sounds mean Nano Biscotti V3?
- Stupid SF build again OMG!
- NB v2 Sounds stopped working
- First Install of NBV3 (noob) HELP!!!!
- One day with my first NBv3.
- Nano trouble when smacked it
- Nano Biscotte v3 Problem - Either Constant Clicking or LED shuts off after a few Seco
- NB V3 Damaged during install
- 14500 with Nano Biscotte?
- NBv4 with CC and accent wiring diagram
- 4ohm speaker on NBv4
- Battery opinions
- Nano Biscotte V4 MOTG
- Nano Biscotte V3 Sound Font help
- Is my NBv3 broken?
- Nano biscotte Sound font help again !
- NBv4 no motion or clash
- Nano biscotti v4: no power to board w/recharge port
- NB v4 Drive Settings for Colored Die
- NBIV Pulse Depth
- Resistors + or -
- NB4 acting odd- wired wrong??
- power extender mounting with NB4
- NBv4 New Build - First Time
- Cram-Fu with memory cards and Speaker Magnets
- NB fix it in DIY Hilt?
- NB mostly won't turn off
- Nano Biscotte 4 L3 pad
- bit of an update to "v2 upgrade diagram" from Feb.
- Nano Biscotte v4 and single-die LEDS
- Nb v4 default settings
- Nano Biscotte v4 versus Prizm v5.1
- NB v4 LED strip problems
- NBv4 dim LED when powered off
- NB v4 power up question?
- NBIV Default Sound Banks
- NBV3 vs V4
- Added a new font to Nbv3 and it wont work
- Fried audio amp on Nano biscotte
- Nano Biscotte v4 - Red/Red/White Cree XP-E2 - sound but no flash on FOC
- NBV4 fried amp - static after replacement
- NBv4 - No Flash on Clash
- NBv4 Switch Command Response
- NBv4 Programming
- neopixel nbv4 speaker whine
- NBV4 - Sound File Quantity
- NBIV orientation in hilt
- NB V4 All in one
- Accurate NBv4 wiring diagram?
- Help
- Auto shut-off
- what speaker for NB V4?
- MHSv1 Nano Biscotte V4 Assembly questions
- Poping Sound after bootup
- WOW speaker in NB4 build.
- NBIV LED strip parameters
- NB Crossing Versions
- MHS V1 Teir 2 RGB Electronics Kit
- NBv4 Issues
- i think i fried my amp.
- NBV4 Wiring Help (recharge port, battery, and momentary)
- NV V4.1 all-in-one module diagram?
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