View Full Version : General hilt building
Pages :
- proper way to use tap drills?
- Custom formed rubber grip material ?
- tap sizes
- Switches, Drivers and an Obi ROTJ Sound Module...
- EL or LED
- Tapping and heatsink compound
- Custom Hilts
- Dooku-ish curve part...
- Weathering your copper saber
- Brightest and most durable saber
- Graflex conversion questions... and plenty of em
- 9 v battery hookup
- Blade retention question
- Has anyone taken the Guts of a MR and put them in
- Better look (or Luke?)
- General hilt building
- Chroming
- Windu hilt
- Fiberglass
- BYO Obi-wan ANH lightsaber!
- Hardware Qui-gon Jinn Hilt Tutorial - Revised
- Obi Wan TPM saber
- best tip
- katana-style hand guard
- Recharge ports
- Darth Vader Hilt
- Those Jewels/LEDs on Ep 2 Anakin and Darth Sidious Sabers?
- Upgrade Hell
- hilt help!
- Stripes on the Luke ROTJ FX emitter plate
- For those that are looking for saber crystals
- Power level indicator
- Curved hilt
- Metal Lathes
- Vader hilt parts
- need imput on custom saber hilt
- How do "you" go about with a sinktube overlay?
- Has anyone used MR guts in an mhs?
- Need info on buying saber accesories and "flaire"
- blade holder ? and more
- Sidious switch
- Were can i Buy a metal lathe for saber machining
- switch help.....
- MR FX couplers
- Parks Stunt sabers.
- Hi everyone, I am new and I am building about my 8th hilt
- Where can i buy control/activation boxes?
- roman empire productions
- Painting PVC
- saber switches
- saber design idea
- is it possible
- What glue to use for tips?
- to all you metal workers out there...
- What do you use ....
- hilt help
- Quik question
- ROTJ Luke saber
- Adhesives for hilts
- corbins baord
- First time using a lathe need a little advice
- Hi Everyone! I'm new and would like some help with tools...
- Issues with my switch
- Sink tube Staff
- Affixing the Luke pommel section
- heiland flash handle
- I'm making a lightsaber
- Lathe owners
- Anakin saber parts
- Textured chrome tape and Gold Tube?
- Lightsaber Hilt, help needed
- Wall chargers - recommendations
- Stunt sabers
- anakin fx sound mod
- Glossy Paint
- Two Questions for the Gurus
- Question about LS Design
- CUSTOM LASER CUTTING / MPP bulb switch help pls
- Luke MR force fx control box
- Someone with calipers and the Graflex LED holder - help?
- Graflex original problem - including pics
- OD of 1.25" sinktube blade holder
- sink tubes
- changing the color of a sink tube
- Lightsaber weathering Tutorial
- Force FX darth maul blades.
- Parks EL Qui_gon: LED ready 9/15/07
- Man them plastic retaining nuts for the switches really suck
- 1.5v rechargeable Alkalines? (yes, 1.5v)
- Help TCSS design an activator box
- My ultimate saber! A WIP!
- pvc hilt makers
- Carbon fiber blades.
- What is the mhs switch hole size?
- stabilizing electronics
- --deleted - graflex head piece up for grabs
- 1.25 sinktube bladeholer.
- dismounting graflex
- Control box switch...
- Retaining bolt retreading
- Graflex Red Button
- Making a custom blade holder?
- I think I found an idea for a clash sensor
- Tutorial: Graflex dissasembly
- Weathering. Share your methods and experiences.
- Need an easy design
- Questions about FX Darth Maul
- Power Supply Units
- help with windu grip
- Sneak peak into building a complete custom
- Darth Nihilus hilt
- Touch lamp switch, who was I talking to about that?
- Resin Obi-Wan TPM saber
- where can i find BUTTONS
- Looking for advice on first hilt
- Good Soldering Iron Brands/Models
- Painting aluminum?
- Battery packs .. info for whats coming
- Has anyone used Tims graflex LED holder?
- Tools & Parts -- a list of the ones you can't do without
- n00b questions: Hilt length / weight / balance
- Sanding Powder Coating
- my first lightsaber
- Building My First Saber
- Obi-Wan ANH lower ribbed section?
- Nearly finished but need a second opinion
- A dent on the MHS body
- sink tube templates
- Threading!
- battery issues
- holiday luke switch
- Thread size?
- Mounting a Mom. Switch on ani MR?
- Rocker Switch wiring question.
- Can anyone help with FX Luke Ep VI conversion?
- Qui-Gon Covertech
- My newly constructed Obi Wan ANH weathered saber
- My newly constructed Obi Wan TPM and ROTS sabers
- Custom Qui-Gon (picture intensive)
- 1.5 sink tube help
- Cosmetic modifications to a converted FX Maul
- my first lightsaber
- which screw for putting on D-ring
- Saber Building Hazards
- Borked PLI now bargraph, recommend me some patterns!
- .45 mini mods
- just an idea
- Different rubber grips.
- Grid cut-out templates.Your ideas and methods.
- setting up a push switch.
- i need a very small switch!
- Luke ROTJ 3 in 1 custom metal lightsaber
- just a technical question
- Suggestions for a new hilt.
- Machining Equipment??
- I need some suggestions..
- Drilling and tapping a hole for a set screw
- PLI Question
- Whats the best paint?
- How to fit a blade inside a maglite?
- clamp switch?
- Graflex and heiland....
- Luxeon driver...
- grip placement
- hasbro clash sensor help
- Hardware Hilt tricks
- A Decent 9V Battery (1200mAh)
- internal hilt dimentions
- Advice on Maul fx emitter to LE type conversion
- DPDT switch?
- double blade size...
- A tip for those who like the brass look...
- New hilt - familiar parts!
- Would this button work as a auxillary switch?
- Shim solutions
- PLI ignorance
- In need of milling,
- Who likes organic looking sabers?
- A Covered Slide Switch?
- Gender changers
- Lessons learned the hard way.
- Anyone try Fence posts instead of sink tubes?
- Will this fit?
- Using a power drill to make a lathe
- Heiland Luxan LED conversion
- New project - YouTube video
- 1st Hilt Construction
- Newbie Hilt Design
- hardware saber #2
- Upgrading a saber
- Mold making and casting - total newb here
- The "Hobbler's" First Saber Design (In-Process)
- spst spdt switches?
- Plasma Sword
- finished my saber but having trouble... need help
- Advice on using plastic ABS waste pipe in saber construction
- thumbscrew loosening remedy
- My first saber, a MR Luke ROTJ conversion (pic intensive)
- Ultrasabers stunt saber, wanting to add sound.
- drilling into pommel
- A gift to the fiancee - scratchbuilt Yoda LED saber
- Misinformation: Corrections
- sink tube
- Protosaber 2 (in progress)
- Sculpted hilt
- Aluminum castings
- Help with parts
- Converting an FX saber
- what should the Inside diameter of a hilt be ?
- cutting and shaping the heiland head piece
- Hardware saber, need input
- Custom Hilt - Darth Talon
- Harshly Customized FX sabers done
- Need ideas
- Of blade retention screws and allen wrenches...
- New project - battery questions
- Wiring revolution
- my first led graflex conversion
- Button Hole
- set screw size question.
- graflex screwed q'
- Order of 'quality' parts/items... you rate 'em!!
- Metals
- 1st time builder
- New li-ion battery pack
- D-rings
- Tonfa-Saber
- hilt guts ........
- hardware saber #3
- Some advice required for new project
- Battery confusion
- Shroud material
- converting an el mace windu lightsaber into luxeon
- Asajj Ventress Project
- Another Customized FX from Valeon
- First saber almost done. Blade tip and glue question.
- Black ribbed inner tube for Qui Gon or Kyle Katarn
- Custom Luke project
- Any idea on how to make a 1.25 sink tube blade holder?
- big yellow box style 3
- Parts list for First project
- graflex clamp and switch question
- Is that all? (saber's parts checklist)
- Led on the bottom
- What in tha eff is a sink tube?
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