View Full Version : Gallery
Pages :
- Woot its built
- MR Conversions
- Custom Sabers
- Replica Sabers
- Graflex Sabers
- Gelu that saber makes me drool
- Modular Hilt Systems
- Jedi Ranger...
- Sketches and Ideas
- Ambo.. Question for ya
- Hey Vadeblade...
- Question for ambo
- Corbin's Toys
- Non-TCSS Saber
- Lightsaber bling
- custom and converted amber sabers here
- Components and Accessories
- Hey naashar........
- Erv, our french connection
- Xwing's clear saber
- OMG JediSaberSmith
- Hey, jtsteph...
- Chaos prongs...
- My first junk-built saber. . .
- Corbin's new saber (Picture intensive)
- Jedibum's 5watt
- missed one pic
- 3D Lightsaber
- The best of both worlds: 3/4" EL sized blades with LED
- yep I'm addicted, I went and built another
- new saber (junk saber #1)
- Costumes
- Flashlight plus Dremel plus TCSS parts
- Luke EP6 Lux vs Luke EP6 Stock video & gallery
- My lightsabers
- Ultra or someone who may know.
- Tri-lux MHS
- Praetor lightsaber design
- Old Republic Style Saber.
- curved yoda
- MR Luke V2
- Katana-style sabers
- First LED saber *Updated*
- Meridian's V2
- Collections
- The Sabers of Balance of Power
- Parks Obi TPM
- My newly constructed metal lightsabers
- The $3 sprinkler saber hilt
- My Plecter Labs sith saber (video & review)
- Eletric Paging Fish: ATTN:Spongerd82
- padawan/Yoda sized saber: hardware
- I Think that I've got it!!My lightsaber is done!!
- Random Pictures of friends and I dueling.
- Jedibum about your upgraded MHS.
- My First EL Saber done!!!
- Corbin's saber from Jonitus
- Converted a stunt saber to an FX saber
- my new MHS (and a Sidious resin pommel)
- My new Sith saber
- Videos
- Very first saber
- Erv's reworked graflex
- First ever saber check it out
- Corbin's Ancient saber
- My Collection so far...
- Mace Windu (Seoul P4) -UPDATE-
- Proto-saber (completed9/10/07)
- The youngling and Daddy's sabers.
- My first lightsaber (unfinished)(image heavy 56k beware)
- My first prototype hilt (work in progress)
- Atom's new project *design stage*
- First Lightsaber Project and a Few Common-Sense Tips
- Luxin' up a Parks Obi TPM
- My new custom
- Parks el saber upgrade (project Phoenix)
- My first LED Saber (saber number 2)(image heavy)
- My custom Lightsaber project (in progress)
- Kid Saber on the Cheap
- Mr Maul weathered emitter and plasti dip grip
- My scratch and dent hilts
- Corbin's new Hybrid MHS/1.25
- Third Saber in a Week
- First hilt, classic style.... ignited...
- Need pics
- nephews christmas
- First MHS halfway... I think
- Dark Star Saber
- My first convertion
- Making saber pics with MS Paint
- Curved Pirate Saber
- my handmade MANDALORIAN armour (in progress)
- Sith Executioner-Custom
- Can I use a picture of your saber?
- #4 (complete)
- My new Saber Plan
- I proudly present my newest design.... "Anomoly"
- Make over
- Sith Yoda ver 2.0
- My Stunt saber
- my Grandson's Lightsaber
- Custom E-11 Blaster
- My new CF 3.0 MHS
- Her only 2 requests were, it must be pink and have jewels on it...
- Rancor: version number (I've lost count)
- Done for now.
- My MHS lightsaber
- Iain's latest saber
- MHS #2 Progress Pics
- Randomsabers has made a varyation of corbins saber malius.
- Progress Pics
- First two sabers complete
- Dooku Hilt Progress
- Vanquisher Saber
- B-Day money well spent
- New Royal Jedi Lightsaber Planning to Finish.
- What not to do when sabersmithing!
- Brass/copper custom saber
- N'strucktor II.
- The Kraken
- Second saber
- My custom Qui Gon
- Sand blasted aluminum
- My Parks Qui-Gon conversion
- Arkai's PVC saber
- The Eagles Talon
- Forced Unleashed Saber Pike
- my Luke Skywalker V-2 LE ROTJ
- junk saber
- Don't post in the gallery threads!!!
- My new Custom saber...Fury
- Arm on fires new custom( the on in the custom gallery)
- Sinktube, MHS, MR...oh my..
- Stormtrooper Lightsaber
- My newSith Saber
- custom saber stand
- For Nicky
- TCSS Custom Work
- my New Curved Sith Saber
- My ancient saber, lots of pics
- My First MHS Saber
- Rebel Maverick (pic to be built)
- MHS #1/ Powdercoated + luxeon.
- My RGB Saber
- Sink tube happiness..
- 'Legacy' style sith hilt (loadsa pics)
- Rahm Kota Saber
- Kill switches - not too exciting
- new stunt saber
- Two New Sabers i'm working on
- My new custom sith saber.
- First Custom Saber WIP
- My 'other' Obi TPM saber
- custom do-clo
- My Brother's Luke ROTJ Saber
- My first saber build....phase 1 complete
- Nihilus Saber
- Custom build - Seele Schneider - Bleach replica
- my newest
- My Play Area.. (misc parts)
- Redemption
- Superman Saber Done!!
- Arm on fire Designs Custom -Chase's Saber
- enRae's Concept Saber Collection
- The Kraken Reborn
- My Saber
- new MHS
- My first MHS saber completed
- My two new MHS Sabers
- Saga Lightsabers
- My Saber
- My news MHS saber 'Halcyon'
- Another MHS! Saber staff this time.
- My First 6 Sabers
- My first custom saber - Phase II complete
- quick accent LED show-off
- My saber finally has sound
- Yet another franken-saber
- My first MHS idea!
- Strahm aber
- Video a practise duel
- MHS Lightsaber
- My homemade sabres
- Acerocket Obi-Wan TPM Lightsaber Comparison/Review
- My Obi Wan TPM lightsaber.
- Stormforce Saber
- First of my sabers completed! Woot!
- The Eviscerator
- Back in the game
- All my Custom Sabers
- Newest custom saber, very pleased with results.
- New custom Daisho, long and short sabers
- Arm on fire designs custom - Staff saber
- Finished...finally!
- New Maul (ish) style custom double saber
- New Graflite Saber
- Historic find on Geonosis
- Curved Saber-Phobos
- New 616 ideas for all!
- Grayven's first Sink-tube Saber
- My first made from scratch lightsaber..
- All But Finished-Need Advice
- My curved hilt saber
- UNO, Finished finally !!!!!
- My newest saber
- Arm on fire custom saber- "Oneiro"
- The Paladin with new TCSS cyan Lux III
- this ones for my wife
- The Elizabeth
- The Sith Redemption with TCSS cyan Lux III
- Ire- new MHS staff saber
- Chaos's Obi Wan MHS
- Finally finihed
- Vader/Dooku Hybrid 616
- My First MHS
- My hardware sabers
- Personal Obi-Wan "Tribute" Saber (Image Intensive!)
- Lux Aeterna - My Latest Lightsaber creation!
- My first lightspear
- Another Obi style
- Ancient sabers
- Saber number 2
- Qui-Gon Saber
- MPP Hybrid
- almost Complete
- Circle of the Force
- Custom Ancient Saber
- First MHS Saber - Mostly done
- Harbinger Stunt
- Ravensclaw finished-Thanks to all
- Almost Complete saber
- Parks Shadow with CF 4.0 Video installed by Strydur
- Graflex
- Ascarion is Complete.
- my sith saber
- Parks Quinlan Vos Lux III conversion
- New MHS sith saber
- Abomination Saber
- My confused Obi AOTC/ROTS
- Arm On Fire Custom Sabers - "Nemesis III"
- Burn out
- The saber formery known as...
- Parks replica graflex with CF4 and crystal chamber (Part 1&2) by Master Yoda video!
- Tenchi-ken
- Warning!!! Time off = Construction!!!!
- Quinlan Vos Relic Saber
- Video: Parks Negotiator With Cf4/crystal By Master Yoda
- Reconciliation w/ reverse sound
- Val's first saber
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