- blade attachment piece question
- emmiters
- Led holder / Blade holder
- LED question
- Which Lens
- Batteries and LED
- possible to convert Larbel hilt to Luxeon LED?
- Wiring two luxeons on one battery pack
- multiple LED's
- R G B Three Color Luxeon III
- 1 1/4 hilt
- Sound confussion?
- Machining the Emitter (with large image)
- How high can voltage go?
- colored disk idea
- the baddest lightsaber hilt ever
- Decorative LED diagram ( i didn't get it below)
- Is LED any harder than EL?
- Working with a Graflex
- led holder
- Adding driver
- where can i find a heiland?
- resistor
- led holder
- heat sink
- RGB flash sequence?
- heat sinking
- Blacklight LEDs
- blades
- 4 D-cell Maglite
- Anodized buttons
- Can a hilt work this way?
- Photon Alterations
- contact point on a lux
- wiring questions
- Converting Luke ESB to Luxeon
- Tims heatsink
- Why aren't there certain colors?
- Pics of Hasbro Anakin CHB Guts
- My first saber
- MHS LED holder
- Led power on effect
- Question about blade holder
- How do I convert a master replica scaled model
- LED saber blueprints???
- How to make hilts
- MHS ribbed extension question
- What batteries fitt???
- blinking
- Is it possible to convert a ParkSaber?
- LEDgraflex?
- would a rocker switch work with corbins driver?
- The Big Yellow Box
- clah/lock question
- Autodesk Inventor Help
- I must be an idiot...
- I'm such a noob
- Graflex power on switch
- MR maximum voltage
- Corbins Board Q
- Selecting a charger for rechargeable batteries
- How to add Luxeon 3w driver to my kit?
- hooking up corbin's board
- Minor construction question...
- choosing the right resistor
- Wiring an LED Bar Graph
- RGB LED help
- Five AA batteries!
- Converting a Rubies saber
- Hasbro ultimate lightsaber set
- Converting Latching/Momentary?
- wire supply
- Luxeon K2
- Hidden Switch
- Saber Diagrams
- Wiring up
- About these crystals I see alot.
- Why do most use Lux 3 when 5 is available?
- obi wan tpm
- Luxeon/EL Combo Saber
- Which glue for the led?
- Sink Tube over the MHS.
- couple of quick questions
- My New Custom Hilt
- MR Sound Board Current
- Wiring diagram help
- Working out a heatsink for my new hilt
- Design gurus - help a brother out - updated 09/26/06
- 5w heat sink
- Lapping the MHS heatsink tutorial (pic intense)
- Light Reflection Idea
- I need help!
- New mini push button or momentary switch option.
- diagram
- Luxeon 3w driver
- 5watt w/ sound and cooling fan
- Ive got a problem!
- Need a K2 star? Don't want to wait the 4 weeks?
- Wiring&Reistors
- MHS Emitter #4 question...
- 5w, 1500 mA... how to power it...
- Anakin '05 sound board and speaker. Help?
- serious question
- buck puck with a MR sound board
- My First Lightsaber...
- Now this is Wonky...
- powering/ over powering LEDs.....
- LED bargraphs
- EL Saber to Luxeon
- What is a buckpuck?
- Help installing 5V relay with MR soundboard
- K2 vs. LuxV ?
- what is included in the led basic electronics kit
- Holder
- Quick question about voltage and boards
- Bleed through current to LED?
- Reed switch
- Have you found a better switch?
- Double ended "Glow Staffs": Input on design and electronics
- LED + Replica Graflex
- New to sabers
- new persontrying to build first saber
- Battery holders in rechargeable battery packs?
- wiring for staff...
- Recharable Battery Pack Questions
- 2 questions
- How do you run 2 5watters on a single power source?
- First try, need advice
- red k2 ?
- Retrofitting a saber with a luxeon driver?
- BYB style II or III hilt with LED?
- Whats the best route for batteries with the 3W Driver?
- How do you run a Lux5 on an mr board?
- First saber, please confirm wiring/power
- soldering
- rechargeable batteries for the 5w/mr hilt question
- Pucks
- Questions about momentary switches
- K2 wiring diagram
- help with K2 and Force action Hasbro wiring
- Maglite saber in theory
- wiring with rechargeable battery
- 3 watt Luke sound board. What am I doing wrong?
- Mr board current
- How is the battery pack secured?
- 2 leds to 1 battery
- MR board with a 9volt battery.
- Battery issue
- Accent led wiring and battery question.
- Power loss in sabers... how to fight against this...
- Need Help Im New Need a Diagram
- Need help choosing resistor
- Corbins board with 5 watt or k2?
- Issues with Corbin's Driver
- Im New And Need Some Help
- 1400mA driver
- Wiring diagram for the 3WDriver and MR sound.
- Grounding out, let's try and avoid it.
- wiring scematics
- LED dims out?
- RGB hilt wiring
- LED is Dimming!! Which wire gauge type for Lux III? Help!!!
- batteries for smaller applications?
- NOOB resistor question
- Recharge jack wiring help
- Current, voltage, runtimes - enlighten me please
- adapting a rechargable battery pack
- Extra Parts
- LED quick question
- is this a ok driver?
- Internal wiring/battery/speaker holder
- problem with mhs kit HELP IM SCAREEDDDD!!!
- Resistors and crystal focus saber core 2.5
- 1.25" sink tube blade holder question
- luxeon K2 + MR board and Corbins board
- K2: Plecterlab's driver/dimmer & Obi MR soundboard
- benefits of a buck puck?
- Additional cooling... Ionic Wind?
- luke esb diagram request
- Oh great and powerful saber gurus
- Adding Sound and Luxeon to a Park's Stunt Saber
- Recommended setup?
- New project - need wiring help
- First lightsaber... Setting up small and button LED's
- 2003 MR Luke ROTJ EL
- 2005 Anakin MRFX - DIN plug blade - clash sensor?
- help i need help
- 420 Lumen 8w LED
- safety caps
- How does the Ramp up and down feature work on Driver Boards?
- Wiring a puck!
- led flicker?
- Mr Maul sound board voltage.
- Question for the saber guru's....is this possible?
- 7.2v RC Lithium Batteries for K2 leds?
- Need help with Lux V to MR Driver wiring.
- strange k2 lens holder
- Combining MR sound and 7135 regulated circuit for saber
- Ultrasound dead?
- A red K2?
- Lux5 driver
- Volts question
- crystal focus and TCSS' PLI
- light setup for my bass cab.
- Seoul p4 wiring
- A bit of advice needed
- Blown LED - but why?
- adding small leds to a cicuit?
- RGB suggestions/help
- Wiring Diagram needed for Hasbro Board more components
- new to building lightsabers i have a question on wiring
- Let's talk about heat sinking...
- Dual Speaker Tube, mid hilt mounted
- A Lux V question I haven't seen directly answered
- Building a Rechargeable Battery Pack from Sony Energytec G3s
- No room for Resonance chamber and batteries...Suggestions?
- Plo Koon Saber Claw
- new purple idea
- BuckPuck 700mA
- Help with the Luxeon 3w driver. !PLEASE!
- Old Hasbro Luke ROTJ Conversion
- MR Corbin Driver setup
- Luxeon III Bin Codes
- quick lux driver question
- Resistor not charted
- Resistored setup battery "overpowering" problem
- quick question on required space
- Just figuring out stuff
- Power Extender?
- Reverse battery protection.
- MR sound and Corbin 3W driver
- K2 to MR BOARD?
- Innards
- 200 white lumens for 1amp!! NEW K2's
- Buckpuck switch question
- Any solutions for a Dim 3w Amber LED?
- Can someone help me with this wiring?.
- Buckpuck wiring help
- driving your LED(No resistors allowed)? Read this
- Corbin and MR board wiring help
- Can someone help me finish this diagram
- switch question...
- CF momentary swich?
- Red Bar Graph Display
- Micropuck+buckpuck?
- ARGH! Sound help please?
- Weirdness
- Custome Mace Windu?
- Don't know what I did wrong?
- Stunt Saber Staff