View Full Version : EL blade discussion

  1. Diffuser
  2. blade won't light up !!
  3. EL tape?
  4. Blade question
  5. tip
  6. Different Blade Colors
  7. El colors/brightness
  8. mono plug
  9. El color mixing question
  10. how long should the blade be?
  11. El Blade Adjustment
  12. looks like i have seen this some where
  13. Colours
  14. Soldering EL to mono plug
  15. Need a good Blue pic
  16. graflex 3
  17. Getting the EL Wire Inside
  18. blade idea
  19. help with end of blade
  20. clash flash question
  21. Two inverters, 37 feet of White EL
  22. Which colour blade for Luke Graflex?
  23. Mono/stereo jack connectors
  24. what size set screw to use?
  25. Using EL sheet instead of wire
  26. Blade Questions
  27. I need directions on building a saber
  28. LED/EL blade, could it be done?
  29. ignition and shut down question
  30. Question about making a blade...
  31. cutting polycarbonate tube
  32. can't decide EL or LED
  33. Lite Whip
  34. El in Led blade?
  35. MR EL Blade question
  36. Polyethethylene Tubing In Australia???
  37. Proper opperation of the Anakin AOTC FX
  38. My first homemade Vader ROTJ EL lightsaber
  39. Shortening Parks EL tape blade
  40. Blade Diameter
  41. help needed and wanted.
  42. El Mr Luke Fx Rotj 2003 !please! Help!
  43. Colour match question... :)
  44. Viridian EL blade?
  45. FYI On TCSS EL Blades and Parks Sabers
  46. Lighttech EL Blade
  47. EL wire as christmas decor
  48. Replacement Electroluminescent Sheet
  49. can't find PolyC or acrylic tube
  50. Probably a silly question, but...
  51. Noob in need of help!
  52. Time to remove or rename this section?
  53. Lightech Industries Powerage
  54. El Tape and Flat blades?