- Diffuser
- blade won't light up !!
- EL tape?
- Blade question
- tip
- Different Blade Colors
- El colors/brightness
- mono plug
- El color mixing question
- how long should the blade be?
- El Blade Adjustment
- looks like i have seen this some where
- Colours
- Soldering EL to mono plug
- Need a good Blue pic
- graflex 3
- Getting the EL Wire Inside
- blade idea
- help with end of blade
- clash flash question
- Two inverters, 37 feet of White EL
- Which colour blade for Luke Graflex?
- Mono/stereo jack connectors
- what size set screw to use?
- Using EL sheet instead of wire
- Blade Questions
- I need directions on building a saber
- LED/EL blade, could it be done?
- ignition and shut down question
- Question about making a blade...
- cutting polycarbonate tube
- can't decide EL or LED
- Lite Whip
- El in Led blade?
- MR EL Blade question
- Polyethethylene Tubing In Australia???
- Proper opperation of the Anakin AOTC FX
- My first homemade Vader ROTJ EL lightsaber
- Shortening Parks EL tape blade
- Blade Diameter
- help needed and wanted.
- El Mr Luke Fx Rotj 2003 !please! Help!
- Colour match question... :)
- Viridian EL blade?
- FYI On TCSS EL Blades and Parks Sabers
- Lighttech EL Blade
- EL wire as christmas decor
- Replacement Electroluminescent Sheet
- can't find PolyC or acrylic tube
- Probably a silly question, but...
- Noob in need of help!
- Time to remove or rename this section?
- Lightech Industries Powerage
- El Tape and Flat blades?